Brooks Historical Society
Brooks Historical Society began when local residents banded together to help Brooks eighth graders collect oral histories. Our Society formed in 1986 with a mission to educate and stimulate an interest in and knowledge of the history of Brooks, Oregon, and the surrounding areas of North Howell, Fairfield, Gervais, Quinaby, Waconda, Parkersville, St. Louis, and Lake Labish.
We moved our museum building, the 1887-built Brooks Southern Pacific Train Depot, to Powerland Heritage Park in 1989.
Our recently repainted and redecorated Agent’s office gives a feeling of walking back into the past. The former Freight Room has exhibits about historic people, places and events specific to our area.
Brooks Historical Society also was instrumental in developing the Heritage Rose Garden and the Farmhouse exhibit at Powerland Heritage Park. And our recently donated caboose will eventually become our society office after restoration.
We also collect local family history, make video interviews of local residents about their life and times, provide history books for sale, and have information about heritage roses, ghost towns, family histories, cemeteries, transportation in the area and many more subjects. Our annual Celebration is on the third Saturday of June, and focuses on a different aspect of local history each year.
To educate and stimulate an interest in and knowledge of the history of Brooks, Oregon, and the surrounding areas.
North Howell, Fairfield, Gervais, Quinby, Waconda, Parkersville, St. Louis, and Lake Labish
Upcoming EVENTS to know
Join us for our annual Brooks Celebration Day, typically on the last Saturday in June each year.
We are also open most Saturdays during the season and during the big events at Powerland Heritage Park, such as the annual Steam-Up.