Join us Saturday, APRIL 12th for a Powerland wide volunteer work day. We will be working in all corners of the park for facility and grounds upkeep for the open season of Powerland!
Come see old friends and make new friends!
What to bring: Yard tools, gloves, yard implements (weed whackers, chain saws, trimmers, clippers, etc.), weather appropriate attire, and a smile!
8:30am - Coffee
12:00pm - Lunch
We need your help and smiling faces!
Thank you for all you do to make Powerland a better place!
‘A‘ohe hana nui ke alu ‘ia
No task is too big when done together by all
We would also like to let you know there will be a volunteer workday scheduled the second Saturday of each month, going forward (rain, snow, wind, or sun)! Keep an eye out for information each month.